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Judy Jacobs-I Feel A Change

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"Mission Statement"

Solid Ground Christian Ministries seek to become a great voice, along with a life long journey of spiritual and economic hope, encouragement and empowerment to people locally, nationally and around the world. "We are the voice and the hand that encourages people to change their lives with hope, comfort and peace."

"For the Lord shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all of her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody."

Isaiah 51:3

"Vision Statement"

We are a ministry founded on biblical principle. We serve in the spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion for our community, our nation and our world. We have established a reputation for reaching the lost and broken, and to minister and serve them with the utmost level of dignity and respect. We are recognized for our dedication to academic, spiritual excellence, mentoring, satisfaction, support and molds of effective leadership.

"Our Commitments"

1. Influencing generations by the power of our vision and by modeling the way.

2. Being accountable for our every word and action.

3. Treating each other with dignity and respect.

4. Encouraging personal growth by developing and empowering our people.

5. Improving the organization by empowering our people.

6. Capitalizing on our strength of ethnic diversity and teamwork.

7. Leaving a legacy of hope and promise to the future generation.

"Our Focus"

1. Being the industry leader in what we do.

2. Operating the business professionally and efficiently.

3. Having competent and responsible people building with a team.

4. Supporting our partners and members to achieve their potential.

5. Providing the best servant leadership programs.

6. Increasing communication and information.

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